Sunday, August 8, 2010

Deals and Steals: week of 8/08

It is a slooooooow week, hope you got lots of deals last week!  Here are the top deals I found:

Rite Aid - only 1 Transaction
Schick Hydro $5.99 (Use $5 off from 8/08)
Crest Pro Health $2.69 (SCR $2.69, use $1 off rom 8/01) * this count toward the oral health SCR too
2 Lysol products at 2 for $5 ($1 Up reward, use $1/1 or $1/2 from 8/08)
2 Old Spice Deodorant at 2 for $6 ($2 Up Reward, use B2 Old Spice Get a free Secret)
Secret Deodorant at $5.29
$5 off $25 from
$5 off Hydro
$1 off Crest
2 $1 off Lysol Wipes
B2G1 Secret free
Get back $2.69 SCR, $3 UP

Biore or John Freida $5 ECB wyb $15
3 John Fredia at $5 each, use $3 off from 6/06
3 Biore at $6 each, use Biore $2 off printable
Air Wick Scented Oil refill $4.99 use $4 off from 8/08
Bic Soleil B1G1 50% off,$6.99, use $3 off from 7/11 or $2 off from 8/01 IN ADDITION to the B1G1 free from 8/01
Schick Hydro $8.97 use $5 off from 8/08 (make $1!!)
Lysol  Healthy Touch System $9.99, $5 ECB, use $4 off from 7/11
use $10 off $50 (last week I didn't get one and it really threw a wreng in things!)
3 $2 off Biore
$4 off Air Wick
$3 off Bic & B1G1 (Give the B1G1 First!!!)
$5 off Hydro
$4 off Healthy Touch
= $13.45
Get back: $14 in ECB

If you haven't previously submitted for the Schick Rebate then do the mail in rebate to get an additional $8.97 back.

I have decided to add Walgreens too, it doesn't pay to do big transactions there so here are the deals:
Note: RR stands for Register Reward which is like an ECB

Dial NutriSkin Body Wash $3.99, $3 RR use $1 off printable makes it FREE
Bausch  & Lomb Bio True $4.99, $4 RR use $1 off printable makes it FREE

for more deals check out

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