Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Got Guests??

I love when people come to visit us, I like seeing family and friends and sharing our community with them.  As much as I love our company, sometimes our almost 1700 square foot house seems to be busting at the seams when we have visitors.  I want our guests to feel welcome and at home, but that may be difficult since we don't have a guest room.

Since we don't have a guest room you probably guessed that we also don't have a guest bathroom.  And just being honest, with my family of 4 and our guests sometimes it gets crazy trying to figure out a bathroom schedule.  Then there is the inevitable which color was my towel dilemma.  I came up with a solution that I plan to implement the next time we have overnight guests:

I used some leftover scrap book paper to make these cute little towel tags. Now the next time we have guests everyone can rest assured they are using only their towel!  That and all the free toiletries from my stockpile should help them feel right at home!

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