Christmas PJ's! Every year on Christmas Eve, usually before we leave for Mass, our kids get to open one gift. The gift is always Christmas PJ's that they will where to bed that evening. The last few years the hubster and I have joined in and got festive in new PJ's as well. Timing is key in this tradition, too early and you are paying too much for the PJ's, too late and you are left with the not so cut choices, especially since I like my girls to match. If you join in on the whole Christmas PJ craze head on over to for a super sweet deal, 2 piece PJ's for the whole fam for $7.99 each. A great price for PJ's! They have a great selection but it is going to dwindle quick so head over and check it out! At this price, you could start a new tradition for your family this year!

Here is a look at one of our Christmases past: